If your air conditioning unit is leaking water inside (and usually when you've switched it over to Cooling), there are several reasons why your air conditioning unit might be leaking water inside your home or building. Here are a few possible causes:
Clogged drain line: Over time, the drain line that carries condensation away from the unit can become clogged with dirt, dust, or other debris. This can cause water to back up and overflow into your home. Ensuring that the drain is free flowing is generally included as part of having a general service carried out. To see what items are generally covered during a service, you can visit here: https://www.morphettair.com.au/heating-and-cooling/
Dirty air filter: A dirty air filter can restrict airflow through your AC system, causing the evaporator coils to freeze up. When the ice melts, it can lead to excess water in the unit that may leak into your home. To learn more about how to clean your filter, you can visit our YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/morphettairau
Low refrigerant levels: If your AC system is low on refrigerant, it can cause the evaporator coils to freeze up and then thaw, leading to excess water in the unit.
Improper installation: If your AC unit was not installed properly, it may not be level, which can cause water to collect and leak inside your home.
Malfunctioning condensate pump: If your AC unit has a condensate pump that is not working properly, it can cause water to back up and overflow into your home. (Just to note, a condensation pump is generally installed if your wall split unit has been installed on an internal wall and are unable to run the drain from the indoor unit to an external point with a natural fall. The condensation pump is used to pump the water uphill to an external point.)
It is best to have a professional HVAC (air conditioning) technician inspect your unit to determine the cause of the problem and provide the appropriate solution.