Break-through technology inactivates 99.9% of SARS-CoV
In our current climate, with borders now open and the ever increasing concerns with elevating COVID-19 cases here in SA, we must do our bit to minimise the spread and adhering to the advice of SA Health.
Practicing safe distancing where possible, mask wearing and vaccination are all positive steps forward, however we also need to be thinking about the air we breathe by introducing air purification into our homes, businesses, schools and aged care where ever possible.
Hepa filters are becoming increasingly popular, however are a "Passive Technology", meaning airborne contaminants travel across a room to be drawn into a filter for purification. The negative for this, for example, is if let's say a child sneezes in a classroom, the contaminated air travels across the classroom and potentially infecting other students before reaching the purifier.
Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?
Airius Air Purification is a break through "Active Technology" that removes contaminants at the source. Using a search and destroy method, both airborne and surface mounted contaminants are eliminated including Viruses, Bacteria, Mould Spores, VOC's, Pollens, dust and dander.
This technology, has also been stringently independently tested to inactivate 99.9% of SARS-CoV 2 (otherwise known as COVID-19) in the air and on surfaces.
For the Homeowner
Commercial applications
Case Studies
Passive Vs Active air purification

Passive air Purification (the old way)
Air filtering relies on the contaminated air being drawn through a filter (such as a HEPA filter) to be cleaned, before being pushed back into the space to be quickly re-contaminated.

Active Air Purification (the new way)
Millions of tiny hydrogen peroxide molecules are distributed into the space, actively seeking-and-destroying contaminants in the air and on surfaces. This 100% safe and effective technology, called photohydroionisation (PHI), mimics the way nature purifies air outdoors, and has been shown to neutralise 99% of the germs from a sneeze before they travel 3 feet.
Air Filtration
Air Filtration plays an important role in keeping indoor air pollution to a minimum. Having the right filter will reduce problems caused by pollen, viruses, mould, pets, dustmites, bacteria, asthma and related issues. Ductair DNA Filter will provide indoor air quality resulting in the satisfaction of having clean air in every room.
Breathing Indoor Air Pollution can often trigger allergy, asthma and hay fever symptoms. As house dust, mould, virus carriers and pollen are captured by the Ductair Natural Air (DNA) filter, we generally breathe easier and have fewer symptoms as a result. Indoor Air Quality is important, therefore having a high quality air filter installed in a well maintained ducted air conditioning system can result in a cleaner, healthier indoor environment.
The easy to install Ductair Natural Air (DNA) filter protects your system as it traps particles that would otherwise coat the coils and reduce their efficiency. This means that you save on energy costs, equipment and maintenance by having a more efficient system and receiving the benefit of indoor air quality.
Ordinary filters are designed to protect the a/c equipment, the DNA filter goes far beyond that to protect the occupants in your home.
Ductair DNA media has the highest dust holding capacity and lowest pressure drop than any other media in its class. This means it has the best air filtration available but won’t compromise the effectiveness of your system.
Ductair is committed to continuously developing new and improved products to assist in an environmentally responsible healthy, and prosperous environment, one that will rid you of indoor air pollution and supply clean indoor air quality.
Features and Benefits
- Removes symptom causing dust, pollen, mould and pet dander
- Simple filter replacement every 6 to 12 months depending on usage
- Fits directly into the Ductair Quickchange return air grille
- Saves energy and protects your a/c unit
Here's how to order replacement filters:
To ensure your home always has filtered, clean air take these easy steps to order your replacement DNA filter:
It's as simple as that!
Prefer to book a service agent to visit? No problem!
If you'd prefer to book one of our friendly service agents to visit your home, just find the filter number (as outlined above) and complete the online form to arrange a time. (SA metro residents only).
Portable Air Purifier
For anyone driving a car, SUV, van, bus, truck, taxi, Uber, campervan... er... well you get the picture... listen up! Just the size of a drink bottle, the portable Panasonic nanoe™ X Generator air purifier is perfect for your vehicle, delivering clean and purified air while you make your commute. And guess what? It fits perfectly into your cup holder!
Sensitive Choice
Sensitive Choice is a Community Service program that aims to educate people about the importance of managing their asthma and allergies.
Developed by the National Asthma Council Australia in 2006, the program also encourages companies to produce products and services, that are more asthma and allergy aware.
Panasonic and Sensitive Choice have partnered to introduce nanoe™ X to the Australian market. Purifying your air 24 hours, nanoe™ X feature can function independently or concurrently with your air conditioner.
This market leading Air Sterilisation technology works towards the inhibition of bacteria, viruses, allergens, pollens and mould within your indoor environment, whilst deodorising, keeping your home, office or vehicle fresh and clean.
Panasonic and Sensitive Choice are committed to brining you Quality Air, for Life.
7 reasons to use nanoe™ X
- Active Deodorisation - Penetrating into the deepest parts of fibres, nanoe™ X eliminates frequently encountered odours, creating cleaner and fresher spaces.
- Inhibition of Hazardous Substances - nanoe™ X has been confirmed to inhibit and breakdown common hazardous / harmful substances ensuring that the air you breathe is cleaner and safter.
- Inhibition of Mould - Common airborne and adhered mould found inside living / working spaces are enveloped and inhibited by nanoe™ X.
- Inhibition of Bacteria & Viruses - nanoe™ X envelopes and inhibits the activity of airborne and adhered bacteria & viruses.
- Inhibition of Pollen - nanoe™ X is effective in inhibiting a variety of pollens globally, all year round.
- Inhibition of Major Allergens - nanoe™ X inhibits allergens such as pet dander, mite faeces / carcasses, and airborne mould, as well as other major allergens.
- Moisturises and Hydrates - nanoe™ X combines with natural sebum (natural skin oils) to coat the skin, leading to a smoother, well hydrated complexion.